Editor’s Note
Join a Webinar on State Approaches to Mitigating Health Provider Consolidation and Its Effects on Prices
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor October 7, 2021
Increasingly, hospitals have merged to form dominant health systems that can exert market power and charge anticompetitive prices that increase health care prices and burden the economy. A recent series of Milbank Memorial Fund issue briefs by researchers from the Source for Healthcare Price on Competition identified specific state policies and practices that can deter health care provider concentration, including improved merger review, oversight of anticompetitive conduct, and bans on potentially anticompetitive contract terms that apply to health insurers and providers. On October 21 at 3 p.m., ET, the Milbank […]
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New on The Source: Downloadable Chart of Merger Review Legal Authority for All 50 States
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor August 3, 2021
Newly available on the Source: our health policy research team compiled a user-friendly, downloadable Excel spreadsheet of all provider merger review authority for all 50 states, now on the Market Consolidation interactive key issue page. The detailed chart provides clickable citations of all statutes, regulations, and state authority for mergers, acquisitions, conversions, or changes in ownership of healthcare providers. The comprehensive spreadsheet allows side-by-side comparisons of the level of legal authority for each state to receive notice of impending transactions, review those transactions, and approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove them. […]
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The Source Contributes to Model State Legislation to Prohibit Anticompetitive Healthcare Contracts
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor April 13, 2021
In connection with the Source’s research and findings on anticompetitive contract terms, Senior Health Policy Researcher Katie Gudiksen co-authored the NASHP model legislation for states to rein in the use of these contract terms, including all-or-nothing, most-favored nation, anti-steering/anti-tiering, and gag clauses. A companion report, A Tool for States to Address Health Care Consolidation: Prohibiting Anticompetitive Health Plan Contracts, further details the contract terms and how the model act can give states essential tools to create a more level playing field and help rein in rising health care costs. For […]
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The Source Commissioned for Policy Analysis of Rhode Island Health System Consolidation
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor April 12, 2021
As an extension of the Source’s research and work on provider market consolidation, the Milbank Memorial Fund commissioned the Source team to conduct an in-depth policy analysis of health system consolidation in Rhode Island and provide legal and regulatory options for Rhode Island state officials to address the impacts of consolidation. Executive Director Jaime King, Senior Health Policy Researchers Robert Murray and Katie Gudiksen, and Source Advisory Board Member Bob Berenson of the Urban Institute created a detailed presentation that first provides an overview of Rhode Island’s provider markets and […]
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The Petris Center Highlights Research Collaborations with The Source
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor March 11, 2021
The Nicholas C. Petris Center on Health Care Markets and Consumer Welfare, in its annual newsletter published this month, highlights many of the research collaborations with The Source in 2020 and 2021. Among the work are two studies on market consolidation and competition, one of which examines the impact of state merger review and the use of anticompetitive contract clauses on healthcare prices, quality and premiums (both research findings are published on The Source). Another ongoing project seeks to determine the size and scope of cross-market hospital and physician organization […]
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Health Affairs Blog Posts Highlight the Database of State Laws Impacting Healthcare Cost and Quality
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor January 14, 2021
The Source kicked off the New Year with a trio of blog posts in the Health Affairs Blog that highlights the Database of State Laws Impacting Healthcare Cost and Quality (SLIHCQ). The SLIHCQ Database was developed in partnership with the Catalyst for Payment Reform (“CPR”) and is an interactive tool that hosts ongoing state legislative efforts to implement healthcare reform. It is intuitively designed to allow policymakers and other stakeholders to customize and filter their searches by key issue and state. In collaboration with CPR, The Source Executive Editor Jaime […]
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[Sutter Case Watch] 60 Minutes Episode: “The High Cost of Healing” Highlights Sutter Health Antitrust Case
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor December 14, 2020
In a new 60 Minutes episode aired on 12/13/20 (S53 E15), CBS interviews California attorney general Xavier Becerra in its investigation of anticompetitive practices by Sutter Health that led to higher health care costs in California. Watch the story here.
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The Source Convenes Interdisciplinary Panel of Experts and Stakeholders to Inform Policies to Promote Competition in Health Care
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor November 16, 2020
On November 13, The Source on Healthcare Price & Competition and the UC Berkeley Petris Center jointly hosted a virtual convening of some of the leading experts in law and economics in a workshop to review and evaluate current findings of our collaborative research series “The Role of States in Promoting Competition in Healthcare: A Legal and Economic Analysis.” Our research analyzes how state merger review authority and regulation of contracts between providers and insurers affect the price of healthcare services and insurance premiums. The interactive workshop, supported by Arnold […]
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Just Published: Research Report on Preventing Anticompetitive Contracting Practices in Healthcare Markets
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor September 8, 2020
As unrelenting consolidation in healthcare provider and insurer markets continues, policymakers need additional options to protect the public from escalating healthcare prices and low-quality care. High healthcare prices result from multiple factors, including third-party payers dampening consumers’ price sensitivity, patients and providers demanding expensive healthcare technologies, and healthcare markets consolidating. While these factors are visible, dominant insurers and healthcare providers can also use terms in their insurer-provider contracts in anticompetitive ways that thwart competition and lead to higher prices or lower quality but remain hidden from public view. With support […]
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Spotlight on State: New Series Feature Summaries of Healthcare Price & Competition Policies by State
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor September 3, 2020
The Source is launching a new series of “Spotlight on State” summaries to highlight notable legislation and initiatives in health policy and reform of all 50 states. Utilizing the SLIHCQ Database launched in partnership with Catalyst for Payment Reform, our goal is to update the overview summaries of each of the individual state pages on The Source, along with an exciting new feature of an overview infographic chart that provides an at-a-glance summary of existing and proposed legislation in each of the key issue topics for each state. The key […]
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