
Virginia State ChartIn 2024, Virginia passed legislation amending prior authorization language, and legislation that directed the Board of Health to convene the State Health Services Plan Task Force to make recommendations on expedited review of projects subject to certificate of public need requirements.

Virginia is an active state in promoting price transparency in health care. Virginia operates an All-Payer Claims Database and provides other datasets online relating to cost and quality, including the average charge data for 25 of the most frequently reported health care services. All medical facilities and health maintenance organizations are required to submit utilization data to the Commissioner to populate the database. Virginia law provides prohibition against surprise and balance billing for both emergency and non-emergency healthcare services. The state also enacted legislation that requires health carriers to establish a comparable health care service incentive program under which savings are shared with a covered person who elects to receive a covered comparable health care service from a lower-cost provider.

In healthcare market competition, the state requires notice to the attorney general for all mergers, acquisitions, and other transactions involving nonprofit hospitals. The merger review criteria for the AG includes factors such as how the transaction will impact access to care and the affordability or cost of care. The legislature also introduced legislation to prohibit anticompetitive contracting practices in provider contracts, including the use of most-favored nation, all-or-nothing, and anti-tiering/anti-steering clauses.

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Virginia operates under a two-year (biennial) budget cycle. Each year the Governor prepares the proposed budget bill for introduction by the General Assembly. The biennial budget is enacted into law in even-numbered years, and amendments to it are enacted in odd-numbered years. The budget cycle begins in July.


The Virginia General Assembly is the oldest continuous law-making body in the Western Hemisphere, having been established on July 30, 1619.  The state Senate has 40 members, and the state House of Delegates has 100.  The Virginia General Assembly convenes annually on the second Wednesday in January. On years ending with an odd number, the General Assembly convenes for 30 days; on years ending with an even number, the General Assembly convenes for 60 days.  Virginia is one of only two states (along with New Jersey) to carry over legislation from even years to odd years.