Benefit Design
Self-Funded Employer Suits Against Third Party Administrator May Be the Beginning of a Larger Trend
Bruce Allain, Managing Editor September 16, 2024
New laws and rules requiring greater transparency into the behaviors and reimbursements of insurers have given employees and employers a clearer picture of where their healthcare dollars are going. For example, the “Transparency in Coverage” rule, implemented in October 2020, required health plans and insurers to post rates they negotiate with providers and develop price transparency tools related to cost-sharing. The “Consolidated Appropriations Act”, passed in 2021, requires Third Party Administrators (TPAs) to provide notice of other compensation they receive to plan sponsors and restricts “gag clauses” that would otherwise […]
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[Case Watch] Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. UPMC and Highmark: State AG Prevails with 10-Year Consent Decree After Long Bitter Court Battle
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor September 16, 2019
Pennsylvania’s efforts to restore competition to the provider and insurance markets in the long-standing battle between University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) and Highmark Health overcame mounting challenges and finally concluded with an unprecedented 10-year consent decree. The Source closely tracked the case as it unfolded over the past several months. In this post, we take a look back at the case’s long and winding road, which included three stops at the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, leading up to the new truce. It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again It all began in […]
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Recapping the 2017-2018 California Legislative Session (Part 2): Incremental Steps Made in Scrutinizing Market Changes and High Health Care Costs
Sammy Chang, Health Policy Researcher January 29, 2019
As California begins its 2019-2020 legislative cycle, we look back at the 2017-2018 bills that will affect California health care costs and markets. Previously, we mentioned that last session’s health care bills coalesced around four themes: targeting high costs of prescription drugs, attempting to implement single payer, regulating competition, and limiting high health costs. In Part 1 of our review, we covered how the legislature banned pharmacy gag clauses and limited out of pocket expenses but failed to implement single payer. This time, we’ll look at 2017-2018 bills that sought […]
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Evaluating the Impact of the Trump Administration’s New Regulations to Expand Association Health Plans and Short-Term, Limited-Duration Plans
Tiffany Wang, Student Fellow October 5, 2018
Within the past few months, federal agencies passed two major healthcare regulations that could have significant consequences to the healthcare market. The Department of Labor (DOL) issued a final rule on Association Health Plans (AHPs) that expands the definition of “employer” under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), and the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and Treasury issued a final rule that expands access to short-term, limited-duration coverage plans (STLDs). The two plans should not be conflated with each other as they offer health insurance coverage […]
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