Spotlight on State: New Series Feature Summaries of Healthcare Price & Competition Policies by State
September 3, 2020
The Source is launching a new series of "Spotlight on State" summaries to highlight notable legislation and initiatives in health policy and reform of all 50 states. Utilizing the SLIHCQ Database launched in partnership with Catalyst for Payment Reform, our goal is to update the overview summaries of each of the individual state pages on The Source, along with an exciting new feature of an overview infographic chart that provides an at-a-glance summary of existing and proposed legislation in each of the key issue topics for each state.
The key topics covered include the following:
- Price transparency: all-payer claims database, surprise billing, gag clauses, right to shop/shared savings
- Provider merger review authority: AG notice, certificate of need, and approval requirements
- Anticompetitive contract prohibitions: most-favored nation, non-compete, all-or-nothing, anti-tiering/anti-steering
- Telehealth: coverage, reimbursement, cost-sharing
- Health system reform: single payer, public option, state-based exchange, Section 1332 reinsurance
As we update each state, it will be posted on the Source Blog, as well as the individual state page. Stay tuned as we roll out additional states each week!