Source Shorts

Source Short: A Basic Understanding of What’s Really Driving Healthcare Costs

It’s common knowledge that the U.S. spends more than any other country on health care. In a series of blog posts, David Lansky, PhD of the Center for Health Journalism aims to give us a basic summary and understanding of the many factors contributing to the out of control healthcare spending.

In part 1 of his blog post, Lansky explains why our healthcare spending is so high, and the five main culprits that push costs up. In part 2 of his blog post, Lansky outlines additional factors that should bring costs down, but don’t because of the nature of healthcare and our unique system.

The wide range of underlying causes makes it difficult to find easy fixes to the longstanding problem. Check back here on the Source for Lansky’s next blog post that promises to discuss possible solutions to these issues.


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