Certificate of Public Advantage (COPA)
The Source Roundup: March 2024 Edition
Dilani Logan, Student Fellow March 1, 2024
Health Policy Trends The 2024 CHCF California Health Policy Survey (California Health Care Foundation) Jen Joynt, Rebecca Catterson, Emily Alverez, Larry Bye, Vicki Pineau, and Lin Liu The California Health Care Foundation released results from its fifth annual California Health Policy survey. Researchers from the California Health Care Foundation and NORC at the University of Chicago surveyed a representative sample to assess Californian’s views and experiences on a myriad of health care topics. This year’s survey yielded a number of key findings. Among them, researchers found that there is a […]
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North Carolina Attorney General Files Suit Against HCA Subsequent to 2018 Hospital Purchase
Bruce Allain, Managing Editor January 16, 2024
On December 14, 2023, the North Carolina Attorney General (AG) filed suit against HCA Healthcare, Inc. alleging that HCA violated the Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) it signed when it acquired Mission Health System. HCA is the largest for-profit hospital chain in the United States and in 2018, it acquired Mission Health System, which serves western North Carolina. At the time of the merger, the North Carolina AG required the signing of an APA that included assurances that HCA was committed to continuing certain critical services (including emergency, trauma care, and […]
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FTC Challenges Antitrust Immunity Under Louisiana COPA
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor May 15, 2023
The healthcare market is seeing intense antitrust scrutiny in recent years at both the federal and state level. As the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) step up their enforcement efforts, some states are exploring avenues to allow healthcare entities to pursue consolidating transactions the state deems beneficial and avoid antitrust challenge. One of them is the use of certificate of public advantages (COPA). A recent slew of antitrust immunity disputes coming out of a healthcare merger in Louisiana brought the use of COPA and state action […]
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HCA Healthcare and Mission Health Face Wave of Lawsuits for Anticompetitive Contracting
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor September 14, 2022
Anticompetitive contracting practices have been under antitrust enforcement scrutiny from both state regulators and private parties in recent years. In California, hospital giant Sutter Health faced several high-profile lawsuits for its alleged anticompetitive contracts. While the state case led by the California attorney general settled earlier this year, the federal class action is on its way to the 9th Circuit appeal. HCA Healthcare, a large health system in North Carolina, appear to be the next health system under litigation fire for similar practices. Three separate actions have been filed by […]
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The Source Roundup: September 2022 Edition
Enne Mae Guerrero, Graduate Research Fellow September 1, 2022
In this month’s Source Roundup, we start out with the latest articles and reports that examine consolidation and lack of competition in the healthcare markets, specifically 1) the impact of certificate of public advantage legislation and 2) the impact of dialysis consolidation on Medicare Advantage beneficiaries. We also highlight a few articles discussing healthcare prices and costs, including 3) the impact of inflation on the healthcare sector, 4) the divergence in cost growth between Medicare and the private insurance sector, and 5) factors that cause health spending to rise in […]
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North Carolina Class Action Sues HCA/Mission Health for Anticompetitive Contracting Practices
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor August 11, 2021
Breaking: A class action lawsuit has been filed in North Carolina state court against HCA Healthcare and Mission Health, alleging anticompetitive practices in violation of the North Carolina Constitution and antitrust and consumer protection laws. The lawsuit follows HCA’s 2019 acquisition of Mission Health in North Carolina, which was approved with conditions by the North Carolina AG, although none of which were competitive impact conditions. Plaintiffs, who are North Carolina patients, claim that Tennessee-based HCA used market power garnered from the cross-market merger to demand anticompetitive terms in contracts with […]
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Updated: States with Certificate of Public Advantage (COPA) Laws
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor August 10, 2021
In the most recent legislative session, Indiana enacted a new certificate of public advantage (COPA) law (SB 416) that allows mergers of certain hospitals to receive immunity from claims of state antitrust laws for the duration of the certificate. Specifically, hospitals eligible for the COPA must be located in a predominately rural county with a specific population cap and has no more than two hospitals in the statewide comprehensive trauma care system. Indiana joins 17 other states with existing COPA laws and 1 states with limited COPA laws, mostly enacted […]
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The Source Commissioned for Policy Analysis of Rhode Island Health System Consolidation
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor April 12, 2021
As an extension of the Source’s research and work on provider market consolidation, the Milbank Memorial Fund commissioned the Source team to conduct an in-depth policy analysis of health system consolidation in Rhode Island and provide legal and regulatory options for Rhode Island state officials to address the impacts of consolidation. Executive Director Jaime King, Senior Health Policy Researchers Robert Murray and Katie Gudiksen, and Source Advisory Board Member Bob Berenson of the Urban Institute created a detailed presentation that first provides an overview of Rhode Island’s provider markets and […]
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Health Affairs Blog Posts Highlight the Database of State Laws Impacting Healthcare Cost and Quality
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor January 14, 2021
The Source kicked off the New Year with a trio of blog posts in the Health Affairs Blog that highlights the Database of State Laws Impacting Healthcare Cost and Quality (SLIHCQ). The SLIHCQ Database was developed in partnership with the Catalyst for Payment Reform (“CPR”) and is an interactive tool that hosts ongoing state legislative efforts to implement healthcare reform. It is intuitively designed to allow policymakers and other stakeholders to customize and filter their searches by key issue and state. In collaboration with CPR, The Source Executive Editor Jaime […]
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Litigation and Enforcement Highlights – February 2018
Amy Y. Gu, Managing Editor February 8, 2018
In this edition of the Source Litigation and Enforcement Highlights, we review 1) an action against Allergan’s anticompetitive practice concerning its dry eye treatment Restasis, 2) the final conclusion to a highly contested West Virginia hospital merger, 3) an antitrust suit between Marion Healthcare and Southern Illinois Healthcare, and 4) another proposed Partners Healthcare merger. Shire Defends Its Antitrust Suit Against Allergan In response to Allergan’s motion to dismiss an antitrust suit filed in New Jersey federal court, Shire filed a brief on January 24, 2018, blasting Allergan’s claim that […]
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