Editor's Note

Introducing the New Interactive Key Issue Page: Market Consolidation

The Source on Healthcare Price and Competition is excited to announce that, in partnership with UC Berkeley's Nicholas C. Petris Center on Health Care Markets and Consumer Welfare, we are unveiling a brand new interactive "Market Consolidation" key issue page that presents evidence-based information and analyses on the most effective strategies for states to address rapidly consolidating healthcare markets.

Recent evidence demonstrates that provider and insurer markets in the United States have been highly concentrated for years and have led to increased healthcare prices and insurance premiums without a commensurate increase in quality. Combining the legal expertise of The Source and the economic analysis and data modeling expertise of the Petris Center, this Arnold Ventures supported collaboration leverages the latest and most comprehensive data on state laws, healthcare markets, and healthcare prices and quality to analyze the variation in state laws and subsequent economic impacts in the last ten years (2008-2018).

We present our findings in a series of user-friendly interactive features ranging from trend maps and data charts to enforcement and policy timelines. The newly unveiled interactive features show, among other findings, that while 12 states and the District of Columbia have statutes specifically requiring approval for nonprofit hospital mergers and conversions, only 2 states require approval for all hospital mergers and 19 states do not require any approval at all. Additionally, the measure of provider market concentration by state reveals that all but two states' hospital market are "Highly Concentrated" or "Super Concentrated".

Find out more on the new page and stay tuned as we continue to roll out additional features and analyses in multiple phases throughout the next few months. We look forward to your comments and feedback here!


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