Editor's Note

Source Advisory Board Member Tim Greaney Offers Policy Recommendations in Healthcare Antitrust White Paper

Source Advisory Board Member Tim Greaney co-authored a two-part white paper with Professor Barak Richman of Duke University for the American Antitrust Institute (AAI) on healthcare competition. In Part I of the series, Greaney and Richman provide an in-depth analysis of consolidation in the markets for delivery and payment of healthcare services by taking a close look at horizontal and vertical mergers in both the provider and insurer markets. The paper identifies major competition concerns brought on by consolidation and suggest further academic and policy research to support more vigorous antitrust enforcement.

In Part II, Greaney and Richman continue the discussion by offering to frame an active competition policy agenda that complements antitrust enforcement. The paper suggests antitrust measures to rein in anticompetitive practice, alternative strategies to promote competition, advocacy in state policymaking, payment reform, price and quality transparency, and precompetitive policies at the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), among other recommendations.

Professor Greaney is an healthcare antitrust expert from the University of California Hastings College of the Law. He recently provided expert testimony and statement to the California Department of Insurance at the June 19 hearing of the proposed CVS-Aetna merger (See more on the Source Blog). He criticized the merger with concerns that increased market concentration would raise healthcare prices for consumers. Read his full statement submitted to Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones here.

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