HB 1059 – Virginia
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2024
Link: https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?ses=241&typ=bil&val=HB1059&submit=GO
Allows patients, if a hospital is not in compliance with hospital price transparency laws on the date that an elective procedure, test, or service is provided to a patient by the hospital, and the noncompliance is related to such elective procedure, test, or service, to bring an action, individually or jointly, against the hospital to recover payment of the price of the elective procedure, test, or service. Under the bill, if a hospital is found not in compliance with hospital price transparency laws under such circumstances, the hospital is liable for the price of the elective procedure, test, or service provided; an additional equal amount as liquidated damages; interest accruing from the date the elective procedure, test, or service was provided; and reasonable attorney fees and costs. If a hospital is found not in compliance with hospital price transparency laws under such circumstances, the hospital is liable for an amount equal to triple the amount of the price of the elective procedure, test, or service and reasonable attorney fees and costs.
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