SF 2801 – Minnesota

Status: Inactive / Dead
Year Introduced: 2018
Link: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?b=Senate&f=SF2801&ssn=0&y=2017

PRESCRIPTION DRUG COST REVIEW AND RATE SETTING ACT: creates the prescription drug cost review commission and establishes rate-setting requirements. Would require a drug manufacturer to notify the commission if the manufacturer plans to increase the wholesale acquisition cost of a patent-protected brand name drug by more than $10,000 during any 12 month-period or intends to introduce to market a brand name drug that has a wholesale acquisition cost (WAC) of $30,000 per year or per course of treatment. Establishes a commission to review if spending on a prescription drug product creates excess costs. If the commission find excess spending, the commission shall establish the level of reimbursement that must be billed and paid among: (1) group purchasers and pharmacies; (2) wholesale distributors and pharmacies; and (3) pharmacies and uninsured consumers or consumers who are enrolled in a health plan but who have not yet met the health plan’s deductible.

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