SB 788 – Oklahoma
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2017
Link: http://www.oklegislature.gov/BillInfo.aspx?Bill=SB788
MEDICAL TRANSPARENCY ACT: The State Department of Health shall publish on the Department’s website a Consumer Guide to Health Care Facilities and Health Care. Among other things, the Department shall include information in the guide to advise consumers that: the average charge for an inpatient admission or outpatient surgical procedure may vary between facilities depending on a health care facility’s cost structure, the range and frequency of the services provided, intensity of care, and payor mix; and the average charge by a health care facility for an inpatient admission or outpatient surgical procedure will vary from the health care facility’s costs or the amount that the health care facility may be reimbursed by a health benefit plan for the admission or surgical procedure.
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