
SB 323 – California

Status: Enacted
Year Introduced: 2017
Link: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB323

Medi-Cal: federally qualified health centers and rural health centers: Drug Medi-Cal and specialty mental health services: Among other things, the bill would prohibit the costs associated with providing Drug Medi-Cal services or specialty mental health services from being included in the FQHC’s or RHC’s per-visit PPS rate, and would require the costs associated with providing Drug Medi-Cal services or specialty mental health services to be adjusted out of the FQHC’s or RHC’s clinic base PPS rate as a scope-of-service change if the costs associated with providing Drug Medi-Cal services or specialty mental health services are within the FQHC’s or RHC’s clinic base PPS rate, as specified. The bill would exempt the department from the reimbursement requirement described above for any payment received by an FQHC or RHC that contracts with a county or the department to provide Drug Medi-Cal services or that contracts with a mental health plan to provide specialty mental health services, as applicable.

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