N.C. Gen. Stat. § 58-56A – North Carolina
Status: EnactedLink: https://www.ncleg.net/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/PDF/ByArticle/Chapter_58/Article_56A.pdf
AN ACT RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGERS: gives pharmacies or pharmacists the right to provide an individual covered by a health plan their cost share for a prescription drug. Neither a pharmacy nor a pharmacist shall be penalized by a pharmacy’s benefits manager for discussing any information described in this section or for selling a lower-priced drug to the insured person if available. Prohibits a pharmacy benefit manager to charge, or attempt to collect from an insured person’s copayment that exceeds the total submitted charges by the network pharmacy.
Key Issues:
Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM)
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