LD 813 – Maine
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2015
Link: https://legiscan.com/ME/text/LD813/id/1156655/Maine-2015-LD813-Introduced.pdf
PENALTIES FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH DISCLOSURE OF HEALTH CARE CHARGES: In Maine, health care entities are required, via 22 MRSA Section 1718, to make available to patients the prices of the health care entity’s most frequently provided health care services and procedures and must prominently display the price transparency tools available from the Maine Health Data Organization’s website. LD813 would have provided penalties for failure to comply with these disclosures. LD813 would have allowed individuals aggrieved by an intentional violation to bring a civil action in Superior Court. It would also have subjected hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, and health care entities that commit intentional violations to civil penalties up to $5,000, payable to the state. LD813 would also have allowed fine of up to $10,000 for health care practitioners—and up to $50,000 for health care facilities—that violate the provision after receiving due notice of the violating conduct.
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