LB 1119 – Nebraska
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2018
DIRECT PRIMARY CARE PILOT PROGRAM ACT: This Act establishes a direct primary care pilot program within the Nebraska State Insurance Program. The NE Department of Administrative Services shall provide at least two different direct primary care health plans, including a high-deductible option and a low-deductible option. Wellness incentives may be included. Certain requirements apply to primary care physicians.
The amended version of this Act includes NE’s Right to Shop Act (as introduced originally in LB 604). The intention of this Act is to empower patients with the knowledge to make smart choices about how and where to consume health care. Patients are given the tools through his or her insurance carrier to find the best value. The patient is incentivized to find the best value by receiving cash from the shared savings. The bill requires the State of Nebraska to participate in Right to Shop for state employees. It also requires all insurance carriers that elect to participate to follow the requirements of the Right to Shop Act.
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