HF 3016 (see companion bill SF 2669) – Minnesota
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2018
Link: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?f=HF3016&y=2018&ssn=0&b=house
HEALTH PLAN COMPANY PROHIBITED FROM CONTRACTUALLY PREVENTING A PHARMACIST FROM INFORMING A PATIENT OF PRICE DIFFERENTIALS. No contracting agreement between an employer-sponsored health plan or health plan company, or its contracted pharmacy benefit manager, and a resident or nonresident pharmacy, may prohibit a pharmacy from disclosing to patients information a pharmacy is required or given the option to provide under subdivision; or a pharmacist from informing a patient when the amount the patient is required to pay under the patient’s health plan for a particular drug is greater than the amount the patient would be required to pay for the same drug if purchased out-of-pocket at the pharmacy’s usual and customary price.
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