HF 1 (see companion bill SF 1) – Minnesota
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2017
Link: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?f=HF1&b=house&y=2018&ssn=0
HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM RELIEF: Provides 25 percent discounts to Minnesotans who buy their health insurance on the individual marketplace and earn too much money to qualify for existing federal subsidies.
The package includes $15 million to help cover people with serious medical conditions who lose their insurance. In addition, it will help some Minnesotans undergoing treatment for serious conditions keep their doctors even if their network is changing.
Insurance companies will automatically provide the rebates via payments by the state. The passage of the premium-relief bill comes just days before the Jan. 31 enrollment deadline for the state’s MNsure market.
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