HB 5690 (see companion bill SB 900) – Michigan

Status: Inactive / Dead
Year Introduced: 2018
Link: http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(43g4jbjsuds1lhvntnv1b3s2))/mileg.aspx?page=getobject&objectname=2018-HB-5690&query=on

PROHIBIT MANUFACTURERS FROM CHARGING EXCESSIVE PRICES OR UNCONSCIONABLE INCREASES IN WHOLESALE ACQUISITION COSTS: A manufacturer of prescription drugs that is engaged in the conduct of trade or commerce shall not charge an excessive price for a prescription drug or change the price for a prescription drug in a manner that results in an unconscionable increase in the wholesale acquisition cost of that drug. If the drug consumer protection commission alleges that a manufacturer is charging an excessive price for a prescription drug or that there has been an unconscionable increase in a manufacturer’s wholesale acquisition cost for a prescription drug, the Attorney General must investigate.  The Attorney General can bring a class action suit for violations.

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