HB 4287 – West Virginia
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2018
Link: http://www.wvlegislature.gov/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=4287&year=2018&sessiontype=RS
This bill prohibits a contract between a health care provider and a pharmacy benefit manager from containing a provision that prohibits disclosure of billed or allowed amounts, reimbursement rates, or out-of-pocket costs. No health carrier or pharmacy benefits manager shall require an individual to make a payment at the point of sale for a covered prescription in an amount more than the cheapest option between: (1) The applicable copayment for such prescription medication; (2) The allowable claim amount for the prescription medication; or (3) The amount an individual would pay for the prescription medication if the individual purchased the prescription medication without using a health benefit plan, or any other source of prescription medication benefits or discount.
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