HB 171 – Kentucky
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2015
Link: https://legiscan.com/KY/bill/HB171/2015
AIR AMBULANCE CLAIMS DIRECTORY: would require the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services to annually obtain charges billed by all air ambulance providers licensed and operating in the state and deem the information as proprietary and not subject to the Open Records Act; to determine the average cost of air ambulance services in the state which shall be subject to the provisions of the Open Records Act; require the board to submit the average cost to the commissioner of the Department of Insurance; authorize the board to promulgate administrative regulations to establish a form to be completed by all air ambulance service providers to determine average cost of services; and require any air ambulance service providers licensed and operating in the state to comply with the submission of charges requirement.
HB171 would also require health benefit plans to prominently provide a notice in each contract for coverage whether the contract covers air ambulance service and, if provided, the dollar amount of coverage; and require the commissioner of the Department of Insurance to review all health benefit plans for compliance with the notice requirement and to provide the average cost of all ambulance services to all health benefit plans every three years.
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