HB 1527 (see companion bill SB 1075) – Maryland
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2018
Link: http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/webmga/frmMain.aspx?id=hb1527&stab=01&pid=billpage&tab=subject3&ys=2018rs
FREEDOM OF CHOICE PHARMACY ACT. Prohibits certain carriers from prohibiting an enrollee from selecting, or limiting the ability of an enrollee to select, a certain pharmacy for the receipt of certain services. Prohibits certain carriers, under certain circumstances, from denying a pharmacy a certain right or imposing on an enrollee certain payments, fees, reimbursement amounts, limitations, or conditions for certain services; etc. Prohibits carriers from requiring enrollee to use mail order pharmacy.
Key Issues:
Pharmacy Regulation
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