AB 2287 – California
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2018
Link: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB1643
Mental Health Services Act: Transparency and Accountability: This bill would require the commission to develop a local government transparency and accountability strategy for local mental health programs that includes fiscal, program and outcome components, as specified. The bill would also require the commission to develop a transparency and accountability strategy for state government that includes fiscal information, and information on programs and outcomes related to mental health. The state and local plans would include developing elements, information tools, materials, or other efforts that allow for public awareness and monitoring of state level mental health spending, activities, and outcomes, as specified. With respect to the program component of the local transparency and accountability strategy, the bill would require the State Department of Health Care Services to adopt, by January 1, 2020, and periodically update, regulations regarding demographic reporting or other requirements, that are consistent with regulations adopted by the commission and support the transparency and accountability strategy developed by the commission.
To support enhanced transparency and outcome accountability, the commission shall assess the adequacy of existing statutory and regulatory data reporting requirements, strategies, and practices, and make recommendations to the Governor and Legislature for streamlining and strengthening those strategies to reduce costs and improve the use of information to guide program, fiscal, and related decisions.
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