A 1733 (see companion bill S 626) – New Jersey
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2018
Link: https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/bills/BillView.asp?BillNumber=A1733
Clarifies prohibition on preexisting condition exclusions in health insurance policies. This bill clarifies that a health insurer shall not impose, or include in its insurance policies, any provision excluding coverage for a preexisting condition. The bill also provides that an insurer shall not include any preexisting condition as a factor in calculating the premium. While the federal Affordable Care Act mandates that health insurers, except in certain grandfathered plans, may not include an exclusion for a preexisting condition in any insurance policy, New Jersey law was never changed to conform to the federal law. This bill revises the New Jersey law concerning group health insurance, the Individual Health Coverage Program, the Small Employer Health Benefits Program, hospital confinement plans, and certain hospital, medical, and health service corporation plans to conform to the federal law regarding preexisting conditions.
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