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A 7725 (see companion bill S 2124) – New York
Introduced: 2023   Status: In Process  
Allows physician assistants to serve as primary care practitioners for purposes of Medicaid managed care plans.

A 7786 (see companion bill S 4861) – New York
Introduced: 2023   Status: In Process  
Repeals the state Medicaid spending cap and related processes. To enable the Medicaid program to meet the actual needs of Medicaid-eligible New Yorkers, reflecting the cost of care, health care needs, and growth of the …

A 827 – New York
Introduced: 2017   Status: Inactive / Dead  
Provides that demonstration rates of payment for telehealth services by home health agencies, long term home health care and AIDS home care shall be paid to providers in an equitable and direct manner.

A 8468 (see companion bill S 6713) – New York
Introduced: 2017   Status: Inactive / Dead  
Establishes a long term transformation of health care in the central and northeastern region of Brooklyn the establishment of a more efficient and effective health care infrastructure aimed toward improving the overall quality of care …

A 867 (see companion bill S 6968) – New York
Introduced: 2023   Status: In Process  
Directs the department of financial services to study health insurance coverage through the Marketplace, including collecting data on how many people are insured, and studying the feasibility of creating programs, subsidies, and/or tax credits to …

A 9667 – New York
Introduced: 2020   Status: Inactive / Dead  
Requires insurance coverage parity for primary care services delivered via telehealth, where both the insured individual and the health care provider are located in a clinical setting.

A 987 – New Jersey
Introduced: 2020   Status: Inactive / Dead  
This bill which is designated as the “New Jersey Health Insurance Marketplace Act,” creates a Statewide health insurance marketplace pursuant to the federal “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” Pub.L.111-148, as amended by the “Health …

AB 0991 – California
Introduced: 2019   Status: Enacted  
The board may refuse to issue any registration or license, or may suspend or revoke the registration or license of any associate or licensed professional clinical counselor, if the applicant, licensee, or registrant has been …

AB 1022 – California
Introduced: 2023   Status: In Process  
Medi-Cal: Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly. Existing federal law establishes the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), which provides specified services for older individuals at a PACE center so that they …

AB 103 – California
Introduced: 2019   Status: Enacted   Year Enacted: 2020
Until January 1, 2022, this bill would instead establish the Healthy California for All Commission for purposes of developing a plan that includes options for advancing progress toward achieving a health care delivery system in …

AB 1063 – California
Introduced: 2019   Status: Inactive / Dead  
Healthcare coverage: waivers – This bill would require express statutory authority to request a state innovation waiver from the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

AB 1088 – California
Introduced: 2019   Status: Enacted  
Medi-Cal: eligibility – This bill would require the department to seek a Medicaid state plan amendment or waiver to implement an income disregard that would allow an aged, blind, or disabled individual who becomes ineligible …

AB 1102 – California
Introduced: 2021   Status: Enacted  
Telephone medical advice services. Existing law requires a telephone medical advice service, as defined, to be responsible for, among other requirements, ensuring that all health care professionals who provide medical advice services are appropriately licensed, …

AB 1122 – California
Introduced: 2019   Status: Inactive / Dead  
Health data: County of Ventura: super user pilot project. – This bill would authorize the County of Ventura to conduct a 3-year super user pilot project, to predict which Medi-Cal beneficiaries are likely to become …

AB 1124 – California
Introduced: 2020   Status: Enacted  
Health care service plans: regulations: exemptions. Existing federal law defines a voluntary employees’ beneficiary association as an organization composed of a voluntary association of employees that provides for the payment of life, sick, accident, or …

AB 113 – California
Introduced: 2017   Status: Inactive / Dead  
Health: Among other things, this bill would require the department, no earlier than July 1, 2017, to reimburse facility-related Medi-Cal delivery costs of eligible alternative birth centers based on a statewide all-inclusive rate per delivery …

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© 2018- The SLIHCQ DatabaseInitial funding for this project was provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Foundation.
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