In collaboration with Catalyst for Payment Reform (“CPR”), The Source Executive Editor Jaime King discusses state health care legislation trends gathered from the Database of State Laws Impacting Healthcare Cost and Quality (SLIHCQ), particularly in the era of COVID-19, in a series of three blog posts in the Health Affairs Blog.
The second post, How Can State Legislation Promote Value In Health Care? Three Innovative Models, focuses on value-based reform in health care and highlights two state approaches that encourage such goals. The first is the creation of Medicaid accountable care organizations (ACOs), as used in at least 12 states, including Oregon. The second is flexibility granted to regulatory entities to experiment with value-based payment, with specific examples from Maryland’s Health Services Cost Review Commission and Rhode Island’s Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner.
The SLIHCQ Database was developed in partnership with CPR and is an interactive tool that hosts ongoing state legislative efforts to implement healthcare reform. It is intuitively designed to allow policymakers and other stakeholders to customize and filter their searches by key issue and state.
See the other two blog posts in the Health Affairs series here.
Source Sightings
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