In the Press
“Challenging Anticompetitive Cross-Market Health Mergers“
In a review published in Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like (Lots), The Source and Petris Center co-authored paper Antitrust’s Healthcare Conundrum: Cross-Market Mergers and the Rise of the System of Power was cited and identified as one of the best works of recent scholarship relating to Health Law.
Antitrust’s Healthcare Conundrum: Cross-Market Mergers and the Rise of the System of Power is forthcoming in the Hastings Law Journal, May 2023. It is co-authored by The Source’s Jaime S. King, Alexandra D. Montague, and Thomas L. Greaney, with Daniel Arnold for UC Berkeley’s Nicholas C. Petris Center on Health Care Markets and Consumer Welfare. It is available at SSRN (last revised June 30, 2022).
Jotwell’s review comments that:
“The authors convincingly show that the failure of antitrust enforcers to challenge cross-market consolidation among health care providers has significantly harmed health care markets. Antitrust enforcers would be wise to heed the authors’ recommendations and expand the scope of antitrust enforcement to include cross-sector health mergers.”
Read the review here.
Source Sightings
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