In the Press
The Source Executive Editor Jaime King was recently quoted in the Los Angeles Times article “California seeks more power to fight healthcare mergers,” regarding SB 977, a bill that would grant significantly more merger review power to the Attorney General in California:
“The best way to prevent problems from occurring in a merger is just to prevent the merger altogether,” said Jaime King, associate dean at UC Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco. “It’s really hard to unwind a merger after you’ve already done it.”
SB 977 incorporated many of the recommendations from a policy brief written by The Source team, published by the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) in April. The report examines the California Attorney General’s merger review authority and suggests expansion of the AG’s oversight of health care mergers to address the escalating scope and impact of health care industry consolidation. Download it here.
Source Sightings
How Will Draft Merger Guidelines Impact Health Care Markets?
Considerations for state-imposed conditions on healthcare provider transactions