In the Matter of ProMedica Health System, Inc.

Date Filed: January 6, 2011
Status: Decided
District Court: United States of America Before The Federal Trade Commission – FTC Matter No. 1010167
Appellate Court: 6th Circuit Case No. 12–3583; Supreme Court Case No. 14–762
Nature of Suit: Healthcare Consolidation
Defendant Type: Provider
Plaintiff Type: Federal
Case Info:

On April 22, 2014, the Sixth Circuit affirmed the FTC administrative order requiring ProMedica Health System of Toledo, OH, to divest acquired hospital St. Luke’s. The FTC originally challenged the August 2010 merger in January 2011 on the basis that the transaction would adversely affect competition, in violation of the Clayton Act. On May 4, 2015, the Supreme Court denied certiorari in Promedica’s appeal of the Sixth Circuit’s ruling that its 2010 merger violated federal antitrust laws. On June 24, 2016, the FTC approved Promedica’s divestiture of Toledo area hospital St. Luke’s.

Associated Legislation:

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