In the Matter of CentraCare Health System, a corporation
Date Filed: October 6, 2016Status: Decided
District Court: United States of America Before The Federal Trade Commission – FTC Matter No. 1610096
Nature of Suit: Healthcare Consolidation
Defendant Type: Provider
Plaintiff Type: Federal
Case Info:
On January 9, 2017, the FTC approved a final order settling charges that CentraCare’s acquisition of St. Cloud Medical Group, would be anticompetitive. The consent order permitted the acquisition to proceed, but lessened its potential anticompetitive effects by requiring CentraCare to allow a number of adult primary care, pediatric, and OB/GYN physicians to leave the health system and work for other local providers or establish a new practice in the area and to provide certain financial incentives to a number of departing physicians. Read the FTC press release.
Associated Legislation:
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