Herrera et al. v. JFK Medical Center et al.

Date Filed: September 17, 2014
Status: Decided
District Court: M.D. Florida – Case No. 8:14-cv-02327-JSM-TBM
Appellate Court: 11th Circuit Case No. 15-13253
Nature of Suit: Antitrust
Defendant Type: Provider
Plaintiff Type: Private
Court Document: http://www.cohenmilstein.com/sites/default/files/media.1890.pdf

In August 2014, plaintiffs filed a putative class action against multiple HCA-operated hospitals in Tampa, alleging they were charged unreasonable amounts for emergency radiological services. The plaintiffs, who carried personal injury protection (“PIP”) insurance, claim they were billed up to 65 times more for these services than are patients covered by private or government-sponsored insurance. Read our blog post about the case. The plaintiffs filed an interlocutory appeal to the 11th Circuit of the district court’s striking of the class allegations, and the 11th Circuit reversed the district court, reinstating those class claims, on April 27, 2016. Since then, the parties have settled and will file a Joint Motion for Approval of Class Action Settlement by August 3, 2018.

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