Federal Trade Commission and State of North Dakota v. Sanford Health, Sanford Bismarck, and Mid Dakota Clinic, P.C.
Date Filed: June 23, 2017Status: Pending
District Court: District of North Dakota Western Division – Case No. 1:17-cv-00133-DLH-CSM
Appellate Court: 8th Circuit Case No. 17-3783
Nature of Suit: Healthcare Consolidation
Defendant Type: Provider
Plaintiff Type:
Case Info: https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/cases-proceedings/171-0019/sanford-healthsanford-bismarckmid-dakota-clinic
On December 13, 2017, a federal judge for the U.S. District for the District of North Dakota granted the FTC a preliminary injunction to block the merger of Sanford Health (Sioux Falls, SD) and Mid Dakota (Bismarck, ND). The FTC and the State of North Dakota sued in June 2017, challenging the merger of the two hospital systems on the grounds that it would reduce competition for healthcare services in the region, resulting in higher prices and lower quality of services. An administrative trial has been continued until after the Eighth Circuit rules on Respondents’ appeal of the district court’s order granting the preliminary injunction. Read the FTC press release and follow the case on the Source blog and FTC case page.
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