S 578 (accompanied by study order S 2496) – Massachusetts

Status: Inactive / Dead
Year Introduced: 2017
Link: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/190/S578

AN ACT RELATIVE TO NOTICE REQUIREMENTS FOR INSURANCE PREMIUM CHANGES AND INSURANCE COVERAGE CHANGES: would require an insurer to provide to the first named insured at the mailing address shown on the policy, and to the insurance producer of the record, written notice of any premium increase in excess of 15% and also provide the exact renewal premium, at least 45 days prior to the written expiration date of the policy unless the premium increase is the result of an audit or the increase is the result of an increase in exposure at the request of the insured. No less than 45 days written notice shall be required for any coverage elimination, reduction, diminution or increased deductible not at the request of the insured and in this case the notice shall itemize and describe the coverage changes and shall be separate from the renewal policy.

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