S 2824 (see companion bill A 4294) – New Jersey
Status: In ProcessYear Introduced: 2022
Link: https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/bill-search/2022/S2824
The bill removes a provision of law that requires health insurance carriers to offer individual health plans, through the Individual Health Coverage Program, as a condition of participation in the small employer health insurance market. The bill removes a provision of law that requires health insurance carriers that participate in the small employer health insurance market to participate in the Individual Health Coverage Program.
The bill also removes a 5-year prohibition on carriers re-entering the individual and small employer health insurance markets if the carrier ceases to offer either plan.
The bill modifies the age rating band by requiring that the premium rate charged by a carrier to the highest rated small group purchasing a small employer health benefits plan may not be greater than 300% of the premium rate charged for the lowest rated small group purchasing that same health benefits plan; provided, however, that the only factors upon which the rate differential may be based are age and geography. Current law provides that the rate of the highest rated small group may not be greater than 200% of the premium rate charged for the lowest rated small group.
The bill removes provisions of current law that provide certain caps on cost-sharing amounts in small employer health plans. The bill instead provides that cost-sharing may not exceed the maximum out-of-pocket limits established in the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This bill also requires the board of directors of the New Jersey Small Employer Health Benefits Program to annually review and adjust certain requirements, including out-of-pocket limits, for small employer health benefits plans.
The bill provides that a carrier that offers an individual or small employer health benefits plan that provides benefits for expenses incurred in the purchase of prescription drugs may use a prescription drug formulary to limit or exclude coverage for prescription drugs, provided that the carrier demonstrates to the satisfaction of the board that utilization and medical review panels are in place to allow formulary flexibility when necessary, provided that the carrier may not adopt a protocol, policy, or program that establishes the specific sequence in which prescription drugs for a specified medical condition, and medically appropriate for a particular patient, are required to be administered in order to be covered by a health benefits plan.
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