Mich. Comp. Laws § 550.53. Prudent purchaser agreement; number; location of health care provider; membership on provider panel; written standards; notice procedures; provider application period; providing standards on request; notice of acceptance or rejection; reasons for termination; professional review program; evaluation; 2 or more classes of health care providers providing same health care service; removal from provider panel; membership in more than 1 provider panel; provider panel including health care providers and facilities outside state; required information; emergency episode of illness or injury; limiting number of prudent purchaser agreements; benefits for services within scope of practice of optometry, chiropractic, or physical therapy: Prudent Purchaser Act – Michigan
Status: EnactedYear Enacted: 1984
Year Amended: 2014
File: Download
An organization may enter into a prudent purchaser agreement with 1 or more health care providers of a specific service to control health care costs, assure appropriate utilization of health care services, and maintain quality of health care. The organization may limit the number of prudent purchaser agreements entered into under this section if the number of agreements is sufficient to assure reasonable levels of access to health care services for recipients of those services.
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