Mich. Comp. Laws § 500.3831. Individual or group expense incurred hospital, medical, or surgical policies; right of continuation, conversion, or type C medicare supplemental package; request for coverage; exclusion from preexisting conditions; notice of availability of coverage; utilization of another insurer to write coverage: Medicare Supplement Policies And Certificates – Michigan
Status: EnactedYear Enacted: 1992
Year Amended: 2009
File: Download
Except as provided in section 3833, a person not insured under an individual or group hospital, medical, or surgical expense incurred policy as specified in subsection (1), after applying for coverage under a medicare supplemental policy required to be offered under subsection (1), shall be entitled to coverage under a medicare supplemental policy that may include a provision for exclusion from preexisting conditions for 6 months after the inception of coverage, consistent with the provisions of section 3819(2)(a) or 3819a(3)(a).
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