Mich. Comp. Laws § 500.2006. Payment of benefits on timely basis; payment of interest in alternative; failure to pay claims or interest as unfair trade practice; liability for claim pursuant to judgment; proof of loss; inability to pay claim; interest requirements; failure of reinsurer to pay benefits on timely basis; effect of inconsistency with certain acts; exceptions; processing and payment procedures; notices; payment of 1 or more services listed on claim; violations; fines; definitions; section applicable to nonprofit dental care corporation: Uniform Trade Practices Act – Michigan
Status: EnactedYear Enacted: 1976
Year Amended: 2017
File: Download
Each health professional, health facility, home health care provider, and durable medical equipment provider in billing for services rendered and each health plan in processing and paying claims for services rendered shall use the following timely processing and payment procedures.
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