Mich. Comp. Laws § 400.111j. Prior authorization for medical services or equipment; request by provider; approval or rejection; request for additional information; time period limitations; exception; certain claims not subject to prior authorization; rules; reimbursement system; automated payment system; vendor payments; waiver of requirement for prior authorization; automated records; limitation of authorization; definitions: The Social Welfare Act – Michigan
Status: EnactedYear Enacted: 1988
Year Amended: 1989
File: Download
If the director requires prior authorization for any medical services or equipment, a request by a provider for prior authorization shall be approved or rejected within 15 working days after the request is received by the director. If additional information is needed in support of the prior authorization request, the director shall request additional information either verbally or in writing not later than 15 working days after receiving the prior authorization request. Upon receiving the additional information from the provider, the director shall approve or deny the completed prior authorization request not later than 10 working days after receiving the additional information.
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