HF 2503 (see companion bill SF 2459) – Minnesota
Status: In ProcessYear Introduced: 2023
Link: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?b=House&f=HF2503&ssn=0&y=2023
S.F. 2459 requires that coverage provided by certain group policy and subscriber contracts, as well as by a health maintenance contract, medical assistance, and MinnesotaCare, and relating to expenses incurred for medical treatment or services provided by a licensed physician must also include services provided by a licensed pharmacist. The bill further prohibits carriers that issue certain group policy and subscriber contracts, as well as health maintenance organizations, from denying benefits payable for services covered by the applicable policy or contract if the services are lawfully performed by a licensed pharmacist. S.F. 2459 also requires the commissioner of commerce to consult with health plan companies, pharmacies, and pharmacy benefit managers to develop guidance to implement coverage for pharmacy services.
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