HB 88 (see companion bill SB 101) – New Mexico
Status: Inactive / DeadYear Introduced: 2019
Year Amended:
Link: https://www.nmlegis.gov/Sessions/19%20Regular/bills/house/HB0088.html
HEALTH CARE VALUE & ACCESS COMMISSION ACT: The “health care value and access commission” shall provide focused comprehensive analyses of state health care data, including claims data obtained through an all-payer claims database; cost data; utilization data; and financial information, to enable the development of a baseline of expenditures, quality indicators and utilization of the health care system as a whole and review reports from health coverage entities and other relevant entities pertaining to efforts to reduce costs through health improvement strategies, health indicator and outcome reporting, compensation models for incentivizing clinical preventive services, social intervention strategies, cost and value and related care coordination and health impact analyses.
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