HB 743 – Virginia

Status: Inactive / Dead
Year Introduced: 2022
Link: https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?221+sum+HB743

Certificate of public need; inpatient psychiatric services and facilities. Requires the Commissioner of Health (the Commissioner) to impose conditions related to the provision of care to individuals who are the subject of a temporary detention order on certificates of public need for projects involving inpatient psychiatric services and facilities and provides that when determining the public need for a proposed project involving an inpatient psychiatric service or facility, the Commissioner shall not take into consideration existing inpatient psychiatric services or facilities or the impact of approving the application and issuing the certificate of public need for the proposed project on an existing inpatient psychiatric service or facility if the existing inpatient psychiatric service or facility does not provide an adequate amount of service to individuals who are subject to a temporary detention order, as determined by the Commissioner in accordance with regulations of the Board of Health (the Board). The bill directs the Board to adopt regulations establishing a process by which the Commissioner shall annually establish the amount of services for individuals who are subject to a temporary detention order that an existing inpatient psychiatric service or facility must provide.

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