HB 579 – Illinois
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2023
Link: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=579&GAID=17&GA=103&DocTypeID=HB&LegID=142412&SessionID=112
Amends the Department of Insurance Law. Sets forth provisions concerning the Marketplace Director of the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange. Amends the Illinois Procurement Code. Sets forth provisions concerning an exemption regarding any procurements necessary for the Department of Insurance to implement the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Law. Amends the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Law. Provides that the Department of Insurance shall operate the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange as a State-based exchange using the federal platform by plan year 2025 and as a State-based exchange by plan year 2026. Provides that, except where inconsistent with State law, the Department shall enforce health plan coverage requirements under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that apply to the individual and small group markets. Provides that the Director of Insurance may elect to add a small business health options program to the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange. Provides that the General Assembly shall appropriate funds to establish the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange. Provides that issuers must remit an assessment in monthly installments to the Department. Sets forth provisions concerning State medical assistance program coordination and provisions concerning the authority of the Department of Insurance and the Department of Healthcare and Family Services. Creates the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Fund. Sets forth provisions creating the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Advisory Committee. Makes a conforming change in the State Finance Act. Effective immediately.
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