HB 369 – Idaho
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2023
Link: https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2023/legislation/H0369/
This is the FY 2024 original appropriation bill for the Department of Health and Welfare’s Division of Medicaid. It appropriates a total of $4,539,917,000 and caps the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions at 213.00. Other actions were taken for the Division of Medicaid, and the table below reflects all of the othersupplementals contained in other bills. H323 of 2023 contained supplemental 1 for the Public Health Emergency; supplemental 4 for Early and Periodic Screening Assessment; supplemental 5 for Receipt Authority; and supplemental 6 for Upper Payment Limit Increase. S1195 of 2023 contained supplemental 3 for MMIS Procurement. This bill contains one supplemental, supplemental 7 for a onetime Provider Rate Increase for the last quarter of FY 2023. Additionally, this bill funds twelve line items, which provide: funding for the Behavioral Health Plan; funding for the Ground Emergency Medical Transportation (GEMT) waiver as approved in S1283 of 2022; funding which moves the Homes with Adult Residential Treatment (HART) to this division; funding for a quality improvement organization contract; funding for a review of managed care compliance; funding for a contractor to implement the budget model as a result of the KW Lawsuit; removes General Fund and adds federal funds for the impacts of the stepped down enhanced FMAP; adds dedicated funds for the state’s share of the upper payment limit (UPL); provides for a provider rate increase for six home and community based provider types; implements the Millennium Fund Committee recommendation to make Millennium Income Fund dollars onetime in the Division of Medicaid; removes funding for disenrollment from Medicaid due to unwinding; and provides additional funding as a trailer appropriation to HCR9.
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