HB 3076 – Oregon
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2019
Year Enacted: 2019
Link: https://legiscan.com/OR/bill/HB3076/2019
Requires nonprofit hospitals and hospital systems to establish financial assistance policies meeting specified criteria. Establishes consumer rights with respect to billing and charges for hospital services. Requires each hospital to conduct assessment of community health care needs and develop three-year strategy to address community health care needs. Specifies requirements for needs assessment and development of strategy. Requires hospital to post certain information on website. Requires Oregon Health Authority to establish community benefit spending floor for hospitals and hospital systems. Provides remedies and penalties for failing to meet spending floor. Requires nonprofit hospital system to annually report to authority specified information regarding hospital system. Prohibits insurer from prohibiting hospital from waiving all or part of copayments or deductibles as condition of reimbursement for services under policy or certificate of insurance.
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