HB 2267 – Oregon
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2019
Link: https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2019R1/Measures/Overview/HB2267
Requires coordinated care organization to conduct community health assessment and adopt community health improvement plan in collaboration with local public health authorities and hospitals. Requires Oregon Health Authority to report to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to health, no later than September 20, 2020, on implementation of provisions requiring coordinated care organization governing boards to be more transparent.] Authorizes Oregon Health Authority to administer reinsurance program for coordinated care organizations and specifies requirements for program. Establishes Tribal Advisory Council. Specifies duties and membership. Requires coordinated care organization to have tribal liaison who is overseen by Tribal Advisory Council. Provides that council and liaisons facilitate communication between coordinated care organizations and providers of Indian health services. Excludes coordinated care organizations from definition of “small business” with respect to rulemaking requirements. Requires governing body of coordinated care organization to include at least two members of community advisory council who are current or former medical assistance recipients or who are caregivers of current or former medical assistance recipients.
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