HB 2190 (see companion bill SB 1270) – Virginia
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2023
Link: https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?231+sum+HB2190
Department of Medical Assistance Services; data collection and analysis; claims submitted to managed care organizations; report. Requires the Department of Medical Assistance Services to collect data for each fiscal year from fiscal year 2018 through fiscal year 2022 regarding (i) the number and percentage of claims submitted to managed care organizations that were denied and the reasons for such denials and (ii) the number and percentage of claims submitted to managed care organizations that required resubmission prior to payment and the reasons for such resubmissions and to examine such data and identify barriers that providers encounter when accepting and treating patients enrolled in the state plan for medical assistance services. Under the bill, the Department shall report such data and analysis by November 1, 2023, to the Joint Commission on Health Care and the Joint Subcommittee for Health and Human Resources Oversight.
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