HB 1713 (see companion bill SB 13) – Oklahoma
Status: In ProcessYear Introduced: 2023
Link: http://www.oklegislature.gov/BillInfo.aspx?Bill=HB1713&Session=2300
prohibits pharmaceutical drug plans and pharmacy benefit managers from refusing to authorize, approve, or pay a participating provider for supplying covered physician-administered drugs to patients and requires all white-bagged drugs to meet supply chain security controls. Plan providers are prohibited from requiring a patient to self-administer an injectable drug against a provider’s recommendation and may not require patients to pay additional fees beyond cost-sharing obligations outlined in the individual’s plan. The measure also requires that providers establish a billing method based on the patient’s best interest. Any payer in violation is to be fined a minimum of $5,000 but not more than $10,000 per violation.
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