HB 1094 – Illinois
Status: In ProcessYear Introduced: 2023
Link: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=1094&GAID=17&GA=103&DocTypeID=HB&LegID=143051&SessionID=112
Creates the Health Care for All Illinois Act. Provides that all individuals residing in this State are covered under the Illinois Health Services Program for health insurance. Sets forth requirements and qualifications of participating health care providers. Sets forth the specific standards for provider reimbursement. Provides that it is unlawful for private health insurers to sell health insurance coverage that duplicates the coverage of the program. Requires the State to establish the Illinois Health Services Trust to provide financing for the program. Sets forth the specific requirements for claims billed under the program. Provides that the program shall include funding for long-term care services and mental health services. Creates the Pharmaceutical and Durable Medical Goods Committee to negotiate the prices of pharmaceuticals and durable medical goods with suppliers or manufacturers on an open bid competitive basis. Provides that patients in the program shall have the same rights and privacy as they are entitled to under current State and federal law. Provides that the Commissioner, the Chief Medical Officer, the public State board members, and employees of the program shall be compensated in accordance with the current pay scale for State employees and as deemed professionally appropriate by the General Assembly. Effective July 1, 2023.
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