HB 1081 (see companion bill SB 433) – Virginia
Status: EnactedYear Introduced: 2022
Link: https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?221+sum+HB1081
Health insurance; calculation of enrollee’s contribution; high deductible health plan. Provides that if the application of the requirement that a carrier, when calculating an enrollee’s overall contribution to any out-of-pocket maximum or any cost-sharing requirement under a health plan, include any amounts paid by the enrollee or paid on behalf of the enrollee by another person results in a health plan’s ineligibility to qualify as a Health Savings Account-qualified High Deductible Health Plan under the federal Internal Revenue Code, then such requirement shall not apply to such health plan with respect to the deductible of such health plan until the enrollee has satisfied the minimum deductible required by the federal Internal Revenue Code. The bill provides such limitation does not apply with respect to items or services that are considered preventive care. This bill is identical to SB 433.
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