AB 929 – California

Status: Enacted
Year Introduced: 2019
Link: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB929

California Health Benefit Exchange: data collection – This bill would require the board, if it requires or has previously required a qualified health plan to report on cost reduction efforts, quality improvements, or disparity reductions, to make public plan-specific data on cost reduction efforts, quality improvements, and disparity reductions. The bill would require the board to post that data and information to the internet website of the Exchange no less than annually and in a way that demonstrates the compliance and performance of a health plan, but protects the personal information of an enrollee. The bill would require a qualified health plan to provide enrollee data and other information on quality measures to the board, as specified, and would require information to be provided by product type. The bill would exempt Exchange records that reveal specified claims and rate data from disclosure under the California Public Records Act. The bill would delete an existing requirement that the portion of a contract or amendment containing rates of payment be open to inspection 3 years after the contract or amendment is open to inspection. The bill would also require the board to engage in health oversight activities relating to Exchange operations, including audits, investigations, evaluations, analyses, data collection through routine reporting, and any other activities for oversight of the Exchange, including qualified health plan contracts with health care service plans and health insurers. The Legislature finds and declares that since the enactment of Assembly Bill 1602 (Ch. 655, Stats. 2010) and Senate Bill 900 (Ch. 659, Stats. 2010), Covered California, California’s health benefit exchange, has used its authority to negotiate qualified health plan contracts with health plans and health insurers that have moderated rate increases for individual consumers, while holding health plans and insurers accountable for improving the quality of care and reducing health disparities. It is, therefore, the intent of the Legislature in enacting this act to ensure that Covered California is able to obtain from health plans and insurers information on cost, quality, and disparities useful in evaluating the impact of Covered California on the health delivery system and health coverage in California, including information from qualified health plan contracts since the inception of Covered California.

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