
AB 3129 – California

Status: In Process
Year Introduced: 2024
Link: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB3129

This bill would require a private equity group or a hedge fund, as defined, to provide written notice to, and obtain the written consent of, the Attorney General prior to a change of control or an acquisition between the private equity group or hedge fund and a health care facility or provider group, as those terms are defined, except as specified. The bill would require the notice to be submitted at the same time that any other state or federal agency is notified pursuant to state or federal law, and otherwise at least 90 days before the change in control or acquisition. The bill would authorize the Attorney General to extend that 90-day period under certain circumstances. The bill would additionally require a private equity group or hedge fund to provide advance written notice to the Attorney General prior to a change of control or acquisition between a private equity group or hedge fund and a nonphysician provider, or a provider with specified annual revenue.

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